Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Conserve, Reuse, Recycle

The sentence that reveals Semrau's point is "medical school can make one useful, and it can also make on 'green'. Conserve, reuse and recycle are the key words here, but mostly the 'reuse'". The intent of the essay is helped by Semrau intentionally keeping information from the reader. By keeping information from the reader Semrau successfully got the reader to understand that after a long life, you can still be helpful in the 'green' movement. The intent of this essay is to convince the reader that there is still something that they can do to help the generations to come, and that they should truly "consider joining" him. Semrau's strategy of keeping information from the reader allows him to share parts of his life with the reader to get them understand that after his 75 years of living and working as an engineer, he can donate his body after he dies. Harvard Medical School can reuse his body to help those to come. Semrau would not have been as effective if he had just come out and told the reader what he was doing because they would not have gotten the chance to get Semrau's background and they would not have understood that they could still help after they die as Semrau is going to do.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

"Savior of the Nations, Come"

In the hymn "Savior of the Nations, Come" Martin Luther uses diction to help show that Jesus came to earth and saved us all from our sins. Luther uses diction when he says  "Wondrous birth! O wondrous Child Of the Virgin undefiled!" with the word undefiled. This word reveals that Christ came into this world perfect, he was born of a virgin and did not have the same original sin that we are born with. Luther uses diction again when he says "Woman's Offspring, pure and fresh" with the word pure. This word also shows how Jesus came into this world full of sinners without sin to save us all through living a perfect life and death on the cross. Then when Luther says "Hast o'er sin the victory won", he uses diction with the word victory. By using the word victory Luther conveys that Jesus triumphed over the death and the devil, and saved us from the loss of eternal death that we would have deserved. Jesus’ victory allows all people to enter the kingdom of heaven through his sacrifice. Luther uses diction when he says “Ever and eternally” with the word eternally to show that through Jesus we will forever be with God in heaven.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Issues Etc.


2) Makes holy, slain, took sin, died, is, slain, lives again, died, rose, reigns, died, rose, make us alive, came, slain, reigns, died, lives

3) The theme of pastor Edwards sermon was that our day of mercy is now. He focused on our sins, and how we are going to hell because we sin and we can not keep God's laws. He was focusing on that we have an angry God, and we have no hope. While the theme of pastor Bourghardt's sermon was that yes we sin, but our day of mercy will come. He focused on how God sees us through Jesus's example. He said that we think that we are happy now, but we will be truly happy when we see God's face.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Fuzzy Dice?

This article is discussing the law that bans people from hanging items from their rearview mirror, as it can obstruct their view of the road. The ban may be lifted for little things though, such as or air fresheners. Although larger items, such as fuzzy dice, will still be illegal.
           I thought it was legal as long as it's not something that obstructs your view. I like this quote from the article because it shows that even though it is illegal for people to have anything hanging from their rearview mirrors they do anyway due to the fact that they do not know that all things hanging are against the law.
         I disagree with this ban because i do not think that air freshners, graduation tassels or fuzzy dice can obstruct your view that much. They are not directly in your view and you can look around it if it gets a little in the way. I think that people should be allowed to hang items from their rearview mirrors because the police do not even pull you over for it, and most people have fuzzy dice or other things already.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Its not race, Lebron James, but it might be you

Mitch Albom's point in writing this column is to prove to people that race should not play a role in the criticism of Lebron James. He is trying to show people that just because Lebron is African American does not mean that the bad things that people say about his is racism. I agree with Albom because i think that all people get criticized, and it should not be an issue for some people because they are African American. Race has nothing to do with the reason that Lebron was being criticized and it should not have even been brought into consideration. I think that Albom's most effective point in his argument is when he questioned if race was involved when Lebron was drafted right out of high school, or when he was voted most valuable player, or when anything good happened to him. If race was not involved then, why should it be involved when Lebron is being criticized.