Friday, December 3, 2010

Issues Etc.


2) Makes holy, slain, took sin, died, is, slain, lives again, died, rose, reigns, died, rose, make us alive, came, slain, reigns, died, lives

3) The theme of pastor Edwards sermon was that our day of mercy is now. He focused on our sins, and how we are going to hell because we sin and we can not keep God's laws. He was focusing on that we have an angry God, and we have no hope. While the theme of pastor Bourghardt's sermon was that yes we sin, but our day of mercy will come. He focused on how God sees us through Jesus's example. He said that we think that we are happy now, but we will be truly happy when we see God's face.

1 comment:

  1. i like how u made the point that our day of mercy will be come, i made the same point in my blog on how our day of mercy will be when we are face to face with our God
