Thursday, December 9, 2010

"Savior of the Nations, Come"

In the hymn "Savior of the Nations, Come" Martin Luther uses diction to help show that Jesus came to earth and saved us all from our sins. Luther uses diction when he says  "Wondrous birth! O wondrous Child Of the Virgin undefiled!" with the word undefiled. This word reveals that Christ came into this world perfect, he was born of a virgin and did not have the same original sin that we are born with. Luther uses diction again when he says "Woman's Offspring, pure and fresh" with the word pure. This word also shows how Jesus came into this world full of sinners without sin to save us all through living a perfect life and death on the cross. Then when Luther says "Hast o'er sin the victory won", he uses diction with the word victory. By using the word victory Luther conveys that Jesus triumphed over the death and the devil, and saved us from the loss of eternal death that we would have deserved. Jesus’ victory allows all people to enter the kingdom of heaven through his sacrifice. Luther uses diction when he says “Ever and eternally” with the word eternally to show that through Jesus we will forever be with God in heaven.

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